Sunday, July 20, 2014

FACTS: Sunday's Awesome Facts

1. Stephen Hawking was told
that he had two years to live by
doctors back in 1963. Today, he's
alive and is 72-years-old.

2. The only domestic animal not
mentioned in the bible is the cat.

3. Expectant fathers can
sometimes experience a
sympathetic pregnancy where
they have symptoms like back
ache, weight gain, strange food
cravings and nausea. This has
also been found to happen in
some species of monkey.

4.Sheep can recognize each
other through pictures.

5. One American consumes the
same amount of resources as 32

6. Most people can survive for
up to 2 months without eating,
but people can only live up to 11
days without sleeping. 15. 95%
of the underwater world remains

7. A Chinese man sued his wife
for being too ugly and the Court
agreed awarding him $115,000.

8. The average person walks
75,000 miles in a lifetime, or five
times around the world.

9. A 13-year-old boy in Florida
was once arrested for excessive
farting in school.

10. Mobile phones have 18 times
more bacteria than toilet handles.

What's your take on this? Do you have other tips you would like to contribute to this? Pls, let me hear from you via comments.

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