Thursday, July 31, 2014


What exactly is impossibility? Is it in the reality of the situation, or the reality of your own mind? I received this testimony and would like you to be blessed too...
"When I wrote my first semester examination as an undergraduate in UNILAG, I saw all my results but had a missing script in FSC 104. I was scared because it was not what I bargained for. When I went to meet the lecturer in charge of the course, he chased me out of his office because I came at a time that was not the Visiting Time (Tuesday).
There was only one option – I would have to
rewrite the examination the next year. I was not ready to go through the stress of attending lectures, writing assignments and preparing for an examination, I had already written. Therefore, I took the case up to God in prayer,separating myself in a 3-day fast.

The last day of the fast was a Saturday and I was taking a Meditating walk around DLI (Distance Learning Institute) in University of Lagos when the Spirit of God instructed me to go to the man’s office one more time. I said to myself, “it is either God does not know the regulation in UNILAG or someone is trying
to deceive me”. I had been to the office of this lecturer during the week and he chased me away, what would happen if I go on a Saturday, which was weekend?
Since I was convinced that it was God speaking, I went to his office and for the
first time in my life,I found him smiling.He looked at me and said, “Young woman, I still cannot find your result but write down the result of your other exam and I would give you a grade based on your other performance”.

That was really a miracle and I would have gladly accepted a ‘C’ but when I checked the notice board some weeks later, I found an ‘A’ with 75 marks beside my Matriculation Number. I realized that God is really a God that specializes in impossibilities ­ ­ .
Three years later, I graduated from the same University with a first class."

I pray for that seemingly impossible situation in your life to be turned around in Jesus Name. More impossibles are going to be possible for you!
Good Morning!

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