Monday, October 6, 2014

Action Steps: Create Your Personal Manifesto

A manifesto is a series of statements clarifying what you stand for in your life as well as what you won’t stand for. Having a personal manifesto helps keep you focused on who you are and the purpose of your life. I created mine as a certificate with a personalized manifesto logo and it’s up on the wall in front of my desk.

In life you are either a doer or a blamer. Blamers make excuses while doers put their money where their mouth is. Which have you been? The reason I say have been, is because you can make a decision at any given moment to take responsibility and change the way you’ve been living your life. Are you achieving what you want or are you blaming someone else for not having achieved your goals?

The reality is, it’s always been your choice. Blame allows you to play small, and as Marianne Williamson, author of “A Return to Love” says, your playing small doesn’t serve you or the world. Take responsibility for being huge! Be the biggest you that you can be and watch the world respond with super success.

Be able to laugh at yourself. Being responsible isn’t the same as taking things seriously or being stuffy. It’s much easier to get over something that doesn’t go well when you can laugh at yourself. Stop taking your life so personally. Most things that happen are not personal, they just are.

Remember, super successful people know what other people say or do is always about who that person, not about them.
Do have a wonderful night rest

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