Wednesday, November 15, 2017

GIFT OF LOVE by Agbarakwute Toluwalope

On this journey two fare
He and she are they
Strangers they were
But paths crossed
To the Father's house

She trudged
Shoulders laden with burden
In little steps, Life grew green
Until she cried for help
Such an agony, He could not deny
With arms spread wide
He gladly reached out

The glow on his face
What joy filled his heart
At her speak of the Father, his father
Such kinship they share
Little was hers
Yet separation grew no further

As much of comfort she needed
Still, He provided
When sorrow like billows roll
He became a saviour
As their affinity thickened

As siblings would, they rocked each's boats
And when desires rose
When wants cralwed in between cracks
The Father's smile was the dose
They grew no lack

Like birds to the sky
And fishes to the sea
They discovered
That they were the Gift of Love
from the Father
for each other

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