A couple of years ago I had an interesting experience going through security at the airport...
The Airport agent who was directing traffic asked me an ordinary everyday question:
"How are you?"
I responded that I was well, and I also asked her how she was doing. "I'm also well," she replied.
Then I said to her, "Yeah, that definitely shows. You're smiling."
Continuing with her smile, she said to me something so simple yet so profound:
"It's a lifestyle choice."
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
The Real Meaning Of Peace. Happy New Era, Nigeria
The Real Meaning Of Peace
Author Unknown
There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures.
But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.
But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest - in perfect peace.
The king chose the second picture.
May we have experience Peace in Nigeria in a spectacular way this new tenure. Happy New Era, Nigerians
Author Unknown
There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures.
But there were only two he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.
The other picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky, from which rain fell and in which lightning played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.
But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest - in perfect peace.
The king chose the second picture.
May we have experience Peace in Nigeria in a spectacular way this new tenure. Happy New Era, Nigerians
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Have You Heard About TSS? The Simple Shadow
Long, long ago, there lived a saint so good that the astonished angels came down from the Heaven to see how a mortal could be so godly. He simply went about his daily life, diffusing virtue, as the star diffuses light and the flower perfume, without even being aware of it.
Two words summed up his day:—he gave, he forgave. Yet these words never fell from his lips. They were expressed in his ready smile, his kindness, forbearance, and charity.
The angels said to God: “O Lord, grant him the gift of miracles.”
God replied: “I consent; ask what he wishes.”
So they said to the saint: “Should you like the touch of your hands to heal the sick?”
“No,” answered the saint, ”I would like rather God should do that.”
“Should you like to convert guilty souls and bring back wandering hearts to the right path?”
“No: that is the mission of angels. I pray, I do not convert,”
”Should you like to become a model of patience attracting men by the luster of your virtues, and thus glorifying God?”
“No” replied the saint, “if men should be attracted to me, they would become estranged from God. The Lord has other means of glorifying himself.”
“What do you desire then?” cried the angels.
“What can I wish for?” asked the saint smiling,
“That God gives me His grace; with that, should I not have everything?”
But the angels wished: “You must ask for a miracle, or one will be forced upon you.”
“Very well”, said the saint, “that I may do a great deal of good without ever knowing it.”
The angels were greatly perplexed. They took counsel together and resolved upon the following plan: Every time the saint’s should fall behind him, or at either side, so that he could not see it, it should have the power to cure disease, soothe pain, and comfort sorrow.
And so it came to pass: when the saint walked along, his shadow, thrown on the ground on either-side or behind him, made arid paths green, caused withered plants to bloom, give clear water to dried up brooks, fresh colour to pale little children, and joy to unhappy mothers.
But the saint simply went about his daily life, diffusing virtue as the star diffuses light and the flower perfume, without even being aware of it. And the people respecting his humility, followed him silently, never speaking to him about his miracles. Little by little, they came even to forget his name, and called him only “The Simple Shadow”.
MORAL: One who rises above all desires is always diffusing good as spontaneously and naturally as a flower gives perfume, or a star diffuses light, without even being aware of it.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Pat Uwaje-King Set To Release Solo Debut Album, Unveils Album Cover Art
As a foretaste of what is to come, she had in the last one year, released three awesome singles off the album "Eze", "He's Done Me Well" and "All Power" to positive acclaim and great approval from fans and critics alike.
An absolute force to reckon with in Nigeria’s gospel music industry, Pat Uwaje-King is a woman on a mission to continue to proclaim God’s fame across the world through her beautifully written songs of praise and worship.
Pat Uwaje King is a Creative Arts graduate from the University of Lagos, Nigeria.
She is also a music consultant and leader of Midnight Crew, the multiple award-winning gospel music group, popularly known for their hit track, "Igwe."
Pat Uwaje-King is signed under her own label, GPK RECORDS.
ShortStory; Personification of Difficulty
In the spiritual community that Tony Brown led in France, an old man lived there who was the personification of difficulty–irritable, messy, fighting with everyone, and unwilling to clean up or help at all. No one got along with him. Finally, after many frustrating months of trying to stay with the group, the old man left for Paris. Tony followed him and tried to convince him to return, but it had been too hard, and the man said no. At last Tony offered the man a very big monthly stipend if he returned. How could he refuse? When he returned everyone was aghast, and on hearing that he was being paid (while they were being charged a lot to be there), the community was up in arms. Tony called them together and after hearing their complaints laughed and explained: "This man is like yeast for bread." He said, "Without him here you would never really learn about anger, irritability, patience, and compassion. That is why you pay me, and why I hire him." Reflection Questions
Thursday, May 21, 2015
SHORT STORY::::Crossing The River...
A farmer's daughter duty was to carry fresh milk to customers in various villages had, one of whom was a priest. To reach his house, the milkmaid had to cross a good-sized stream. People crossed it by a sort of ferry raft, for a small fee.
One day the priest, who performed worship daily with the offering to God of fresh milk, finding it arrived very late, scolded the poor woman. "What can I do?" she said, "I start out early from my house, but I have to wait a long time for the boatman to come."
Then the priest said (pretending to be serious), "What! People have even walked across the ocean by repeating the name of God, and you can't cross this little river?" This milkmaid took him very seriously. From then on she brought the priest's milk punctually every morning. He became curious about it and asked her how it was that she was never late anymore.
"I cross the river repeating the name of the Lord," she replied, "just as you told me to do, without waiting for the ferry." The priest didn't believe her, and asked, "Can you show me this, how you cross the river on foot?" So they went together to the water and the milkmaid began to walk over it. Looking back, the woman saw that the priest had started to follow her and was floundering in the water.
"Sir!" she cried, "You are uttering the name of God, yet all the while you are holding up your clothes from getting wet. That is not trusting in God!"
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Where Is the Love???
In the Bible, notice that God defines idolatry in ways we find refuge, strength, and glory apart from Him. It is obvious how earthly sources, we depend on—our personality, appearance, activities, knowledge, and the approval from others. It is vital that our love for God increase in ways that help us to decrease our love for earthly sources. We need to love God and not our earthly substitutions. The idols of our heart suggest that anything less than God won’t be enough. We know we should love God more, but knowing that is not enough.
Some try to force themselves into loving God more but in a shallow way. Loving God more isn’t about loving Him with our mind. Loving God more, is about our heart-felt response in pleasure and thrill with what our heart believes about Him. Matthew 6:21 says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. Since your heart follows hard after what you treasure greatly, direct your heart to love the Lord, to stay before His holy Presence, and to enjoy so much of His abundant grace. Use any discipline you have to your advantage. But focus your effort on growing in your faith, love, and delight toward God. By doing so greater discipline will come naturally.
Be INTENTIONAL! Thank the Lord that you don’t have to settle for so little. Loving God is just too important for spiritual growth. Take action!
Become wise and understanding in disciplining yourself. Make your heart the best student. Determine to have fun getting your heart to hear the many revelations and that you CAN love and treasure God more. Happy Midweek
Monday, May 18, 2015
Best Friends Forever (BFF)
Good morning pals,
Do you know that in John 15:12-15, Jesus called us to be His friends and not just His servants. He commanded us to love one another just as He loved us. “A friend is the first person to come in when the whole world goes out”. It’s one of life’s blessings to have someone who remains true to us under all circumstances. The support and encouragement of a friend is all we need when it seems that our life’s burden is too heavy for us to carry.
A true friend strengthens us when we are weak. They comfort us when we are hurting. They correct us openly even if it hurts us (Proverbs 27:6). They can laugh with us at the days to come. It doesn’t matter how few you’re friends are, for what is important is to have a true and loving one. (Proverbs 17:17) For a friend, loves at all times. And if we found one let us keep it. For they, are like precious stones so hard to find. Jesus, of course, is our Ultimate friend. He laid down His life for us to be saved. (John 15:13).
Let us take the initiative to develop relationships and investing our time for others especially to a body of believers for us to produce spiritual maturity and endurance essential for our growth. Let us also devote our time to deepen our relationship with Jesus for His friendship never ends.
Happy New Week
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Throne Room Of Grace
Where do I go
If not your presence
Where do I look to for help
If not to you
I am empty on my own
I am helpless without You
But I find Grace and Mercy
Right here, in the throne room of grace.
Jesus, my high priest
He can be touched
By the feelings of my infirmities
He opened wide the gates
Not just that
He gave me boldness
That I may find You
Right here, in the throne room of Grace.
I want to drink
Of the river
Flowing freely from your throne
I want to drink
Of the fountain of life
Springing up in me to eternal life
Little wonder I am strengthened
When I appear in Zion
I gain life indeed
Right here, in the throne room of Grace.
The throne room of Grace
Where all can come
Irrespective of the race
Just the way they are
Where else would I rather be
If not at the place
Where weakness is swapped for strength
And emptiness for life
Where else if not
Right here, in the throne room of Grace.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Micheal W. Smith LIVE in Concert in NIGERIA!!!
Lagos, NG — Whoop! Michael W. Smith is coming to Nigeria for the first time, and will be ministering live in concert on Monday, June 1, 2015. This is not one of those concerts you want to be told about. You need to be there, as it promises to be a very great time.
Registration for the June 1st Concert with @michaelwsmith is now open. Link to register ishttp://t.co/77Od8yKTXqpic.twitter.com/d9RJEJNkLo
— POJU OYEMADE (@pastorpoju)May 10, 2015
The Covenant Place, Iganmu, Lagos VIEW MAP
1st June, 2015
6:00 PM Prompt
Admission is FREE, but you need to register. To register and claim a seat, clickHERE
Rising Gospel Soul Band, Sensere, Releases Dynamic New Single “If It Had Not Been” From the Forthcoming “Gerald Jones Presents: The Independent Spirit Project” Available at iTunes
Written and produced by the Major3rd Productions team (Gerald Jones, Justin Djuane Francis, and Carlos Woodard), alongside James Wright of SENSERE, the song brings a unique blend of genres that features ingredients of neo soul, funk, and traditional gospel. A guitar driven, toe-tapping number, “If It Had Not Been” glows with the group’s lush harmonies and lyrics that speak to the everlasting faithfulness of God. A point made all the more poignant by its accompanying, energetic lyric video.
The song comes as one of the many “must hear” tracks that line THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT PROJECT – a collection of gospel’s finest unsung independent acts. Available summer 2015, the album features artists from every corner of the country who are not signed to major labels, but whose amazing talents stand toe-to-toe with top names in the industry. Housing a spectrum of sounds from the neo soul-tinged offerings of SENSERE to touches of EDM, traditional gospel, contemporary gospel, R&B, pop, and more, the THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT PROJECT soars not only in quality, but also in its diversity. Said diversity finds itself represented sonically and also in the varied lineup of artists as the track list showcases solo male and female acts as well as groups of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Even in its diversity this assembly acts as a unified front to provide a refreshing foretaste of the future of gospel music – the clear intent of the album’s architect Gerald Jones. A gospel force best known as founder and CEO of DaGospelTruth.com, Jones is also an up-and-coming songwriter, producer, and rising music executive who believes the time for a project of this caliber is long overdue.
“The gospel music industry is slowly changing and making its way from the typical sounds to new voices and new faces.”- Gerald Jones
And, with THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT PROJECT, it’s clear that Jones and this compilation of artists are ready to accelerate the steering of the industry in that direction. For more information on THE INDEPENDENT SPIRIT PROJECT visithttp://www.ispiritmusic.com.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
The Esau Syndrome by Leke Alder
There are little decisions we make in life that have powerful consequences. Adam ate a fruit in disobedience and the consequences ripped through the pages of history dooming his descendants. Some consequences of little decisions are that vicious and that powerful. Like a truculent goat, these consequences barge through generations, sometimes altering genealogies.
Perhaps no story illustrates the power of simple decisions like that of Mr. Esau. He was quite an interesting fellow. An outdoorsy type, he fellowshipped with the wild. Bear Grylls has nothing on him. He was very hairy red all over. His descendants became known as Edomites, and how that came to be was determined by a simple decision on food. Mr. Esau it turned out was such a reckless fellow. He lacked appreciation of spiritual matters. Esau could not grasp the fact (like some) that spiritual quantities are the determinants of destiny. That would prove his genealogical undoing. Edom is wiped out. In the Greek and Roman era, it was called Idumea.
The man Esau was famished one day and chose to barter his birthright for red bean stew. Stew! Who barters his destiny and that of his descendants for an effluent! The Bible calls such profanity. “That no one… become a profane person as Esau did, who sold his own birthright for a single meal” (Hebrews 12:16). The word profane in that passage is translated “godless and sacrilegious” by the Amplified Bible. That profanity became officially labeled “The Esau Syndrome” by God. Look at this translation: “Watch out for the Esau Syndrome: trading away God’s lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short term appetite...” Hebrews 12:16 MSG. The passage talks about how “Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing.” He really shed tears “but by then it was too late, tears or no tears.” You can read the full story in Genesis 25:29-34.
Esau disposed off his birthright in just five verses of scripture! So here’s the story: Esau comes in, says to Jacob, “I beg of you, let me have some of that red lentil stew to eat, for I am famished.” Esau was named Edom because he was red, and ironically for the red bean stew. Edom means red. In other words, Esau’s name changed into the reflection of his recklessness with his destiny. He removed himself from the generational covenant God entered into with his grandfather. He substituted that covenant with a strange new covenant with his brother. He lost the generational covenant as well as his natural rights as firstborn. All for carnal gratification.
When Jacob asked for his birthright in exchange for food, the reply of Esau was most telling: “See here I am at the point of death; what good can this birthright do to me?” Then he went ahead and actually swore an oath selling his birthright to his younger brother, Jacob. It was a binding agreement because of the principle of “consideration”
And so Esau entered into a valid commercial contract to sell his birthright for a plate of stew. The Bible says Esau ate, drank and rose up. “Thus Esau scorned his birthright as beneath his notice.” May we not trade away our destiny for carnal gratification! And so we can better appreciate the story of Joseph who refused to trade his destiny for sex with Mrs. Potiphar. We must watch our appetite in life. No carnal gratification is worth trading away one’s destiny. By that contract Esau empowered history for the chicanery of Jacob who progressed the agreement to logical conclusion. Jacob went to Isaac their father, pretended to be Esau and collected his elder brother’s blessing. Isaac had asked Esau to prepare his favourite meal, after which he would bless him. While Esau was away hunting, Jacob with his mother’s connivance disguised as Esau and snatched the blessing. Isaac was blind. He relied on the senses of smell and touch. To fool him Jacob wore Esau’s clothes and put on patched skin. Thus Esau sold his birthright for food and his brother collected the birthright on account of food. The original barter with Jacob was food-denominate
The principle of causality is very prevalent in spiritual matters. It links two seeming disparate events. Fate made sure that Esau having sold his birthright could not repudiate the transaction through his father’s blessing. And fate perfects its determinations through the normal and ordinary course of life. And so we see the causal link from one spiritual transaction to another. Esau’s father was oblivious of the first transaction. And when he took the initiative to bless him as firstborn, the earlier transaction overwrote the attempt. In spiritual matters you cannot eat your cake and have it. Fate is deterministic and intelligent. Covenants are powerful. The most powerful covenant in the world today is called the New Testament. It overwrote the Old Testament because it preceded it. Christ was slain from the foundations of the world. In other words, the New Testament was enacted from the very foundations of the world. A latter covenant - the Old Testament could not overwrite it. Faith preceded the Law. Abraham was father of faith. Faith is global, the Law of Moses was a nationalistic and people specific program. Faith is larger than the Law. The New Testament is a very valid contract because consideration was paid. The blood of Jesus was the consideration for the New Testament. Blood is spiritual currency. And so the contract for which Jesus had already paid the price eons before cannot be overwritten by the Law of Moses.
You are not under the Law but under grace (Romans 6:14). Under the New Covenant we have been blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3). Eternal life is yours in Christ Jesus. The Spirit of God is guarantor of this promise (Ephesians 1:14). No one can pluck you from the hands of God. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39). There is no enchantment against Jacob, and no divination against Israel (Numbers 23:23). Stop living in fear. You dwell in the secret place of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1).
Culled from Facebook; Leke Alder
Monday, May 11, 2015
Crystal Awards 2015: And The Nominees Are…
The Crystal Awards is an annual ceremony honoring excellence in the gospel music industry. Interestingly, this year, there would be no voting, as the winners of all 25 categories will be selected by the committee based on the agreed criteria. The major criteria for nominations this year is the release date of the works, which MUST be between January 2014 and January 2015.
A new category has also been added to the 24 categories of last year’s list. This is the “Best Online Radio” category.
Among some of the big nominees include Onos with 7 nominations, Glowreeyah Braimah (5), Frank Edwards (4) and Limoblaze.
See the full list of nominees below. The official date of the Crystal Awards night would be announced soon.
Tim Godfrey
TY Bello
Nathaniel Bassey
Why You Love Me So – Nosa
Alagbara – Onos
Okaka – Frank Edwards (ft Victor Ike)
Miracle Worker – Glowreeyah Braimah (ft Nathaniel Bassey)
Amen – Tim Godfrey
Oh My Jesu – Mike Abdul
Preye Odede
Sammie Okposo
Solomon Lange
Obi Shine
Frank Edwards
Efe Nathan
Lara George
TY Bello
Glowreeyah Braimah
Pat Uwaje-King
God Alone – Glowreeyah Braimah
Why You Love Me Son – Ibitayo Jeje
Everything Has Changed – Onos
African Medley – Tehila Crew
Oh My Jesu – Mike Abdul
No Wahala, Only Halleluyah – Sammie Okposo
Jesus Jesu – TY Bello
Na You Be God – Tim Godfrey (ft Eben & Ccioma)
Nobody Like You – Efe Nathan
Alagbara – Onos
Our God – Cute Sagay
Power Flow – Monique
Brand New Generation (BNG)
Tehila Crew
Tim Godfrey & Xtreme
God’s Own Radicals (GOR)
Lawrence & De Covenant
Gamie (Gameman)
Sam Jamz
Covenant Christian Centre Choir
Salvation Ministries Choir
House On The Rock Choir
COZA Choir
Grace Assembly Choir
Daystar Choir
The Morning Song Book – TY Bello
Son Of God – Nathaniel Bassey
Open Doors – Nosa
No Limits – Onos
iWorship & Audience Of One – Tim Godfrey & Xtreme
Highlife Again – Ibitayo Jeje
Eno Michael
Chika 100%
Gil Joe
Prospa Tytman
“Loving You” – IBK Spaceshipboi
“Dumimaja” – Ogecha
“Everything has Changed” – Onos
“1,2,3” – Nikki Laoye
“Good Day” – Tim Godfrey
“God Alone” – Glowreeyah Braimah
Solomon Lange
Ibitayo Jeje
Bola Bethany Thani
Chioma Jesus
Sola Allyson
SMJ (“Amen” by Tim Godfrey)
Nosa (“Why You Love Me” by Nosa)
Wole Oni (“Oh My Jesu” by Mike Abdul)
Wilson Joel (“Alagbara” by Onos)
Frank Edwards (“Okaka” by Frank Edwards)
Paul Persol
Ed Gilbert
Lawrence Omo-Iyare
Frizzle N’ Bizzle
St. Immaculate
Akin Alabi
Yinka Davids
Kryss Tha Boss – Cool FM, Abuja
Holy Holla – Rhythm FM, Lagos
Ira – Wazobia FM, Lagos
Boye Olawunmi – Rainbow FM, Lagos
Sabina – Naija FM, Lagos
Jeff Q – Rhythm FM, Prthacourt
Izzy (U.S.A)
Evans Ogboi (United Kingdom)
Sam soft (U.S.A)
Lawrence Ikiri (South Africa)
Emmy Odunze (U.S.A)
Sam Adebanjo & DTWG (United Kingdom)
Dara (U.S.A)
Eloho Efemuai (United Kingdom)
Funke Akinokun (U.A.E)
Isabella (United Kingdom)
Adaora (U.S.A)
Anu (U.S.A)
Ik Worships
Joe Praize
Gospel Force Naija
Tobi Sax Mistress
Seyi Alesh
Ebele The Flutist
Bolaji Sax
Segun Oluwayomi
Open Teeth
Holy Mallam
Emma Oh My God
Grand Komanda
“Miracle Worker” – Glowreeyah Braimah (ft Nathaniel Bassey)
“Na You Be God” – Tim Godfrey (ft Eben & Ccioma)
“Aka” – Segun Obe (ft Different Stone)
“No Regrets” – Limoblaze (ft Lil’ Kal)
“When God Speaks” – Henrisoul (ft Frank Edwards)
“Congratulations” – E Daniels (ft Nosa)
Love Nwantintin – Lara George
I No Go Fear – Anny
Amen – Tim Godfrey
Time To Celebrate – Oghecha
Butter My Bread – Nene Soul Diva
I No Fit Shout – Frank Edwards
Liveway Radio
Rhemaworld Radio
Praiseworld Radio
Amen Radio
Gospotainment Radio
Worship Culture Radio
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